The world-renowned Osstem Implant

Osstem Implant

Osstem Implant

A World-class Product Used in Over 70 Countries

The Osstem Implant minimizes bone loss through the use of biocompatible materials and innovative surface treatment technology. It closely mimics the chewing power of natural teeth, providing an exceptionally realistic experience

Gentle Dental Gangnam uses Osstem Implants, which have superior initial stabilization and longevity

Gangnam Gentle

With Advanced Equipment, Implants Look and Feel Like Natural Teeth

Head doctor, Kim Sung-ho, completed the implant course at the Seoul National University School of Dentistry Education and Training Center, as well as the Osstem Implant Master course.

Advantages of Osstem Implants

Verified Product

Long-term clinical records of more than 10 years

Superior Surgical Success Rate

Implant surgery success rate of 98.8%

Advanced Technology

Surface treatment technology and implant design precision

Osstem Implant Certificate of Authenticity

Following a surgery using Osstem Implants, you will receive a verification certificate that confirms the proper placement of your implant and serves as confirmation that an Osstem Implant was used during your surgery. It details the specific information about the implant you received

GENTLE Implant Treatment Procedure


Precautions After Implant

01. After surgery, a gauze should be worn for 2 hours.

02. After surgery, blood and saliva should be swallowed and not spit out to promote proper clotting

03. Do not touch the surgical site or teeth with your fingers or tongue

04. Avoid taking baths, and using saunas and hot tubs

05. Avoid drinking and smoking, as they cause inflammation in the extraction site

06. Avoid strenuous exercise or activities that cause sweating for at least one week

07. Avoid spicy, hard, and sticky foods for one week after surgery

08. Please use the prescribed gargle for at least one week, and avoid brushing your teeth directly on the surgical area